I'll start off with that I learned a lot in this class, and none of it felt like learning, which is the best part about it. We discussed things we wanted to know and practiced things we needed to know. We had some good times, and some rough times, but all in all it was a good time. I can now light a multi-camera interview, DP someone's work, edit some awesomeness, and light a green screen. I even know how to do all those cool "money shots" we see in movies.
I won't say it wasn't a lot of work, cause some of it was. It was sometimes hard to come up with a concept of what I wanted to shoot, who/what/where i wanted to film, and then how to accomplish what i'd come up with. Then after all that I had to fight with the tape deck to capture my tape. I ended up spent a few long, frustrating nights in the editing lab (with some other classmates) trying to figure out how to make something look good.
The class itself wasn't always the easiest thing either - especially when it came to working in groups. I really enjoyed practical working, it is definitely the best way to learn i think, but it got frustrating at times. When there was a clear plan, it worked smoothly, but when there wasn't - like green screen day - it took forever to do a very simple task. While I sometimes wished for more structure, i think it was beneficial that we didn't - we were forced to learn how to work in big groups and forced us to create a plan and have someone to take charge.
On a more serious note, this class has helped me figure out more of my "style", what I find compelling, and what I want to do. While I still don't know what I want to do with my life - I've figured out that for now, I'm going to work on filming weddings - I really like it, and it's classic and beautiful. i've found that the most compelling shots for me are close-ups. it's more compelling when you have to really look at what you are seeing, not just glaze over and think its 'nice'. my favorite shots of mine are tightly framed, or are little moments that you wouldn't be able just to catch in a still picture (i mean if a picture is worth a thousand words, a moving picture must be worth a million!)
but overall, i learned a lot in this class. It was a great experience and great jumping point - I feel like I know more about myself, my style, and what I want to learn even more about.
Farewell my friends!
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