Monday, January 25, 2010

Radio Diaries

annnd we're back! Hello Friends.

So, I went back and listened to a few of the radio diaries from NPR.  I especially liked the teenage diaries, cause they were just honest and I felt I was walking along side them as they went through their lives. 

First I listened to Jeff in Boston.  He is talking about what he is in terms of race.  But, it's kind of funny because he's talking as he is getting ready for school, and is sort of talking about how people come up to him assuming he speaks Spanish, but he does back and forth between that and talking about music.  He calls himself 'halfrican', which i thought was hilarious, but it makes sense, he didn't know any different - he expected races to mix.  He says, it would make sense to me if two Asian people had a black baby.  It's true though, kids see things differently until you reach that age of redefinition.  Big scary would gets bigger and scarier and more confusing.  He asks the white kids why white kids sit together, and he says he wouldn't fit in at a table of white folks because he wouldn't fit in - they think it's a whole different culture.  He also talks about rap as a race war, and that he didn't have to pick a side or hear about it because he was half and half, and how he is never really fully in on the joke or the conversation or the music.  Both sides look at him as a traitor, so where does he fit in? Does it matter?  He can't fit in, so he might as well stand out, right?

Then I listened to Melissa in CT.  She's pretty funny.  She's 18, pregnant and just trying to make it in this world.  I really like listening to these radio diaries because they are just so casual -it's like going through life with your best friend, who's just chatting about her day and her life and her problems and such.  Her boyfriend calls her, and she asks us "should we answer?".  It's just fun, but it's also honest. She addresses the issues of abortion and adoption and why she didn't want to do either.  She doesn't want to kill her child, and she went through the foster care/group living/etc/etc/etc system.  Her life has shaped her choices, which is pretty normal.  She has her baby in the middle of it - and we see her through a stressful period in her life.  She sees him peeing on her as him 'marking her territory' haha, it's great.  But it's also sad when she calls her mom and the number is disconnected - she just says oh well, she probably wouldn't care anyhow.  She recognizes that she should've waited until later to have a kid, but she says she isn't sad, she knows she can't change what has already happened.  In the end, she is just a regular teenager who has made some mistakes but is trying to survive. 

I really like all the stories where people are just talking, honestly telling their life from their point of view.  We are all so different and it's interesting to get a peek into the daily life of someone else. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Media Diet

So while I'm generally not a big believer in diets, I gave in - partially because I was assigned to and partially because I thought it might be interesting.  However, just as side note, my internet at my house is very spastic and was not working this past week. I know that I spend much more time on facebook and checking my e-mail when my internet works, but here is what i did this week!

1/19 - Tuesday
9:30-10:45 - TCF 444 - internet, computer, blogs, vopods, youtube - it was pretty interesting, it made me think about everything we do that can and will be judged by strangers, pretty scary!
11 - e-mailed with my mom
12-12:15 - watched the Singing Bee
12:26 - listened to kid listening to loud scream metal on his ipod - pretty annoying! and bad for your ear drums!
12:30-1:45 - watched powerpoints in my TCF 215 class - i think this counts as media
2-2:05 - facebooked, watched a video, clicked a link to a political website, linked to cosmo (guy running for senate in Massachusetts naked spread like 20 years ago)
2:45-3/5-5:15 - listened to the radio, mostly music
7-9 - Barns and Nobel - email, facebook, homework
9-11 - tv

1/20 - Wednesday
8:30 - checked e-mail/facebook, chatted with my friend in Florence, Italy - love technology, can be so far away from each other but talk to people like they are right there!
11 - read the Crimson White
Then my internet went out! So basically, I didn't do much on the computer today but I watched TV

1/21- Thursday
8 - tried to check my email, but internet still wasn't working
9:30 - TCF 444 - youtube, elearning, google, self-portrait
5pm - filmed Rock the Runway, pretty awesome!

1/22 - Friday
Internet still not working...
5-midnight - Workplay in Birmingham, benefit concert for Haiti --> pretty awesome!

1/23 - Saturday
Internet still not working....
10:30 - saw Youth in Revolt, it was funny but definitely a Michael Cera movie...trying to be a teenage who wants to loose his virginity and is awkward.

1/24 - Sunday
12-2 - captured Rock the Runway tapes, facebook, read class blogs, listened to podcasts, updated my blog
5 - video skyped my friend in Florence again, got to celebrate her birthday with her and her roommates!!
6 - watched Grey's Anatomy on Hulu
6 - updated my blog!

So reflecting back on this week i've realized that i don't spend as much time on my computer as i thought, i get on a bunch of times a day to check my email or facebook but only for a few minutes.  I
sometimes will get on twitter or cosmo but i don't do a lot of blog reading, or youtube watching or anything else.  Gotta run, more later!

Personal Identity.

Hello bloggers.  I am sitting here in the sanford media lab capturing some footage from Rock the Runway on Thursday (which was pretty awesome, btw) and I figured I should be i decided to listen to some podcasts.

First I clicked around and found some weird links and things I didn't care to listen to but then I clicked on the guerrilla radio show.  I found this one show where they are talking about personal identity.  It wasn't really a story, it was more theory and technical - which, I admit, was kind of boring, but interesting at the same time.  They talked about who we are fundamentally - what can we survive, what can't we survive, are we persistent, how long will we be around?  How do you identify yourself and is it the same as others identify you?  Are we made up of our experiences or are we just who we are because we are biologically programed to be something.  Can someone in the future be exactly the same as you, or are you completely and utterly unique? Is anonymity important, or is it important to identify?  Are we persons, souls, animals or nothing at all?  Can we think - can we all think at the same time, or are we just animals surviving?  Does any of it really matter? 
The Guerrilla Radio Show - Personal Identity
I thought this talk show was pretty interesting - but i wish they had something more than just theory.  I like theory and I like to think about who we are, but i think theory is too stuck in itself to take into consideration how differently humans think.  We all like to think we have ourselves figured out - we spend 24/7/365 together - our mind with our body - but then why do we manage to surprise ourselves?  Or at least, I surprise myself sometimes - do you? Do you know who you are - or do you just look to who you'd like to be?  I am my best researched project, but yet I still see it as quite unfinished...I just hope I can figure it all out.

Monday, January 18, 2010


So this week we've been talking about self-portraits, so here I go blogging about them :)

First: after looking through a bunch of self-portraits our lovely teacher provided for us, I found one that I thought was so cool.  It kind of reminded me of one of those 'don't do weed' commercials, but either way, I really liked it.  Here is the link for your viewing pleasure.

Second: we had to make our own self-portraits.  So, me being the over-achiever/nerd that I - for better or for worse - very much am, i made two.  But in my defense, it wasn't my original intention.  I wanted to make the "long portrait" of me looking into my webcam for 30 seconds, partially because it'd take me 30 seconds (sorry.) but also because I'd never done it.  I read Dr. R's blog about how exposing it was, and I didn't understand until I sat down and did it.  To be honest, I did it 3 times.  First time my hair was in my face, second the tv was on, and 3rd one was quite with my hair out-ish of my face.  I don't know why it mattered, I look the same in all of them, but watching them was really weird, it was like i was watching me watching myself.  or something. I liked it, but it was pretty exposing.  But after my 3 attempts, I walked down the hall to show one of my 26 roommates (yeah, i live in a madhouse/sorority house) and the only thing she has to say is, "why are you sitting still? i've never seen you do that before, why don't you dance or stretch or be a hippie, that's much more Kate".  So, I did - i danced.  I guess I could classify it as a little hippie, it was a Bowling for Soup song in the background called 'Shut-up and Smile', saying that 'all we need is some ice cream and a hug' which i think is funny.  And a much more accurate representation of me then sitting down staring, something i rarely do.

So here we are: the two self-portraits of Kate.

UNO (still, sedated, "normal" Kate): 
Self-Portrait from UA, Telecommunication and Film on Vimeo.

DOS (obnoxious, dancing, happy, normal Kate): 
Self-Portrait from UA, Telecommunication and Film on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


New semester, new year, same blog, same girl, different ideas.  Get excited, cause I am.

This is Brandon's blog, he usually has something interesting to say :)