This week we talked a lot about DP's. I felt all sorts of uninformed, so during
Visions of Light I wrote down a bunch of names and googled away! Out of the 9 names I wrote down I came up with...
Vittorio Storaro: DP for Apocalypse Now, which is pretty badass in itself, so I'm sold :) I'm not usually into war/action movies but hey.

William Fraker: DP for Rosemary's Baby, a classic.

Charles Rosher: A favorite of many in the 1920's. Since he was working during the silent film era, it was absolutely necessary that he knew exactly what he was doing.
I found this picture on a blog titled
Chained and Perfumed and it had a quote next to it that I liked.
Pickford: “Oh, I detested that picture! I disliked the director, Ernst Lubitsch, as much as he disliked me…it was a very unhappy and very costly experience.” It just shows how much loyalty Mary Pickford had to Rosher!
Haskell Wexler: DP for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Good movie, better book (as, I believe, usual). I think Wexler got the feel right for the movie, crazy but also achieved a kind of strict laid back feel. I can't figure it out at the moment, but for some reason I really dislike the composition of this still. Any thoughts?
Gordon Willis: DP for The Godfather (1,2,3) so I just can't leave him out.
Ted McCord: He was the only one who wasn't in the google quick search -- not that it means much, he was DP for The Sound of Music! I love love love this movie.
Tell me that's not a beautiful shot. No, if you disagree don't tell me, cause I love it :)
Vilmos Zsigmond: DP for The Deerhunter. I only include this because I've been told that I have to see this movie. I tried once, but barely made it through a half hour...has anyone seen this? Thoughts? Feelings?
Earnest Dickerson: I only add him because he used to DP for "Law and Order" which I just so happen to be watching now. Woo!
Then I looked at 2 more movies that I liked
DP: Alwin H. Kuchler
 |  I really love how this movie turned out. While the movie itself was not my favorite, the look of it is up there. This movie had a lot of special effects and I think it takes a very good DP to create something such as the scene pictured here without making it appear fake or completely computerized.
Mona Lisa Smile
DP: Anastas Michos
Not only is this one of my favorite movies, but I also love how it really captures the conservative 50's at an all girls college. The front lighting of this picture, for instance, works perfectly because it deepens the contours of Julia Roberts face, while still leaving the other 3 in the back in the light.
I'm sorry my posts seem to be so long. It's probably cause I spend like all day on one, so it just keeps getting longer. And because I'm a pretty visual person I feel like I have to find a picture for everything to prove my point. Oh well! I hope you enjoy, and maybe even learn a thing or two! I know I did!