On March 9, I attended the LUNAFEST film festival. It had films made "by, for, about women". There were a lot of films that were inspiring to me or that i could connect with in some way.
One I found humorous but almost painfully true, especially in today's world was "Plastic" directed by Sandy Widvanata. She is from Australia and created this film while completing her masters.
This film was about a normal young girl who makes changes to herself right before a date. she finds that she can alter her image and she starts with her skin, then nose, and neck, and face, and body, trying to match the model on a magazine and by the end she looks so ridiculous. She ends up going back to what she really looks like before answering the door but the story makes a good point. We try so hard to reach perfection and match the pictures in the magazines but in the end, it's much better to just be yourself.

Another favorite was called "The McCombie Way" directed by Kristina and Nick Higgins from Los Angeles, CA. It's about this 80 year old woman who is just living life her way in the Mojave Dessert. She built a road, upkeeps her many acres of land, as well as houses that have been ransacked. She is very frank about whats happening in her life. She had cancer once, and she says 'I got sick and then I got better' like it's nothing. She makes a good point though - she says you only die once, so you there is no reason to be afraid of it and you've gotta get everything done that you want and live life thoroughly cause you don't know when it'll happen.